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Last update  2016-09-22

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Green pastures, still waters     

Messiah Bible Studies
& biblical novels
by Jacob M. Van Zyl

► I believe the Bible is the Word of God, and that the Apostles' Creed reflects the main message of the Bible.
► My assurance that Jesus Christ saved me is based on His word of honor: "whoever comes to Me I will never drive away" (John 6:37, NIV). I came to Him, so He accepted me. I know it's true for HE SAID SO. I trust His word of honor.

  What will heaven be like? 


THE YEARNING OF YAHVEH (God's love for his people described in the Old Testament)
THE YOKE OF YESHUA (The entire life of Jesus based on a harmony of the 4 Gospels)
THE YEAST OF YERUSHALAIM (The early church as described from Acts to Revelation)


Each Bible-study below (6 x 9") has 366 pages + appendix with study material. Click on a book to enlarge.
         1                    2                     3 

  1. The Yearning of Yahveh (Old Testament)
  2. The Yoke of Yeshua (Harmony of the 4 Gospels)
  3. The Yeast of Yerushalaim (Acts to Revelation)

  You may order books 1, 2, or 3 from
   AuthorHouse.com or at your local bookstore.

For more info on the books and author click a button on the left, or go to


NOVELS with biblical background

When Jesus moves from Nazareth to Capernaum, how do local folks
like Amos, the baker of the village, perceive the young rabbi?
Join Amos in his struggle to understand his new friend.
Although Jesus' teaching and healing are astounding, he looks
rather ordinary to Amos. Can he be the Messiah?




Do you stand your ground, flee, or give up when facing bullies or problems?
This is a story for the young at heart -- who try to survive violence in school, home or street. 
It may give new ideas to young soldiers and police who have to decide in a split second
to shoot or not. Do Christians have the right to defend themselves?


Jacob Van Zyl studied Hebrew, Greek, theology, and psychology. He pastured two local churches for several years. He has practiced pastoral counseling with individuals, couples and groups in churches and clinics for over thirty years. He received the degree D.Phil. in psychology for his research on the self-concept.



 Photo tips     

 Canadian Rockies


 Ancient Corinth



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