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Where Jesus walked


The landmarks still exist where it all happened.

NASA photo. Markers and names inserted by author.
The first six disciples of Jesus came from Bethsaida Galilee (John 1:44, 12:21).
Mary Magdalene, a former demoniac from Magdala, was healed by Jesus.
Legion, plagued by many demons, was healed by Jesus near Gergesa.
Jesus calmed a storm and walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee.

Map of Israel in time of Jesus (by author).
John the Baptist started his work near Bethabara and was later jailed and killed at Fort Machaerus, both near the Dead Sea.


Photos by author

Capernaum (Kfar Nahum) was located on the north-western
shore of the Sea of Galilee. For two years, Jesus used this village
as center of his ministry that covered the surrounding area.

Eucalyptus trees were planted by archeologists.

This limestone synagogue was built on foundation of the
basalt one of 1st Century. Jesus preached at this place,
and healed a demoniac here (Mark 1). Peter's house was
nearby; there Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law and
later a lame man (Mark 1 and 2).

Only what was carved in stone and written in the gospels survived.
The stones and the gospels tell a story about culture: grain, bread,
olive-oil, wine, kings, religion and society. Jesus told parables about
sower, seed, leaven, dough, and bread. He multiplied bread for five
thousand, and he instituted the Lord's Supper with bread and wine.

Grain was ground between top and bottom stones. Jesus ate bread
prepared with stones like these, and he referred to them (Matt. 18:6).

Olives were crushed by the rolling stone on top. They used
the oil for cooking and lighting -- do you remember the parable
about the five wise virgins who took enough oil (Matt. 25:1-9)?

When Jesus said our lamps should be on a stand, not under a bowl,
he referred to lamps giving light by burning olive oil (Matt. 5:15).

Two grape bunches spout juice into the amphora.
The bunch on the right was damaged. Jesus multiplied
wine at Cana (John 2), drank wine at meals (Matt. 11:19),
and used wine at the Last Supper.

For more pictures of the Sea of Galilee click here.

The Baker of Capernaum plays out in the time of Jesus.
Have you ever wondered how it would be to live in that time?
Biblical, historical, and archaeological data are woven into the story.
Step into the sandals of Amos, the village baker, and meet Jesus anew.